The Linux Documentation Project web site

The Linux Documentation Project - LDP for short, or tldp (taken from the domain name) - is a very long-standing project whose aim is to document all aspects of the GNU/Linux operating system, and associated applications software. It is governed by the LDP Manifesto. See here LDP history.

The LDP web site consists of two parts. One of them is a collection of documents, mostly the famous "HOWTO"s, but also some Guides. This collection is available in many flavors, from html for inline reading to docbook source for rendering in many other document formats. This part of the site is mirrored all over the world.

The second part is the wiki you are currently reading. This part aims to be the LDP workshop, where new documents are written, and where old ones are updated. Of course anyone wishing to write in docbook/linuxdoc is allowed to do so; but others can use the power and friendliness of this wiki to produce their texts. Be warned however that docs on the wiki may still be under elaboration and so not yet fully accurate.

LDP users

If you are reading this, you are already an LDP user :-). Anyone can be a visitor if you only want to peruse our docs; but you can still fix typos or errors on most wiki documents even as a visitor :-); you can also send us a mail to warn when something is wrong on the LDP web site. You can be an author if you want to be responsible for a page, see the author guide. If you want to be even more deeply involved and help us to manage the web site, you can become a member - see the relevant page on the blue inset on the top right of any page. Thanks!

The LDP Wiki

Interesting starting points:

How to use this site

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