Feel free to experiment here, after the four dashes below. Please do not create new pages without any meaningful content just to try it out!

You may want to open HelpOnEditing in a new window or tab while you edit.

There was an old lady of Riga Who rode with a smile on a tiger. They returned from the ride With the lady inside And a smile on the face of the tiger.


italic bold typewriter

backtick typewriter (configurable)

bigger smaller this is how it works

preformatted some more
and some more lines too

   1 def syntax(highlight):
   2     print "on"
   3     return None

   1   public void main(String[] args]){
   2      System.out.println("Hello world!");
   3   }


HelpOnEditing InterWiki

http://moinmo.in/ Python


There are anchor links here:



/!\ Alert







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Heading 4

How To Edit This Page

So, supposing I wanted to actually write text somewhere, would this be how to do it?

First, you must be logged in. That means you must have an account with LDP. Click on the login button and follow your nose.

Once you have done that, you will be able to log in, and you will actually see the "Edit (Text) button. Press it and you will get a scrollable box containing the code for the page.

You can write in that box. Use the help sheet for formatting.

When you have finished, answer the "Are You Human" prompt and press Save Changes. If all went well, your changes and additions will be included in the sandbox page. -- gapsf 2010-07-28 06:48:46 2010-07-28 06:48:46